Student Government
Elections & Appointments
The SPSA is always encouraging students to get more actively involved in their campus community. Not only is it a great way to meet people but it also allows you the opportunity to have a say in what is going on at your campus, to represent your peers, and it looks great on a resume!
Fall By-Election For VP Moose Jaw:
The SPSA Executive Council has an open position for the Vice President, Moose Jaw role. The role of a VP Campus is primarily to work with their campus specific student body on any problems, concerns or issues that they are experiencing at the campus level. Nominations Open - September 4th, 2018
Director Appointments for 2018-19 Academic Year:
There are three Campus Council Director positions available at each of the four Sask Polytech locations. Director positions are appointment through an application and interview process administered by the Executive Council. The role of Campus Council Directors is to act as visionaries in the development and improvement of student services and an inclusive and healthy campus community atmosphere. The Directors also solicit feedback and information on student issues and trends.
Important By-Election/Appointment Dates:
Nominations/Applications Open - September 4th, 2018
Nominations/Applications Close - September 14th, 2018
All Candidates Meeting - September 17, 2018
Election Day for VP Moose Jaw position - September 20, 2018
Director Appointment interviews will be held between September 17th - September 25th
Director Appointments will be announced no later than September 28th